Resources & Publications

GJU Pabwalo Town Hall: “Enhancing Access to Justice for Marginalised Communities”
GJU Capacity Building Activity for Women Lawmakers in Malawi: ICTs
Trocaire Supported ToT for GBV Survivors to serve as Community Liaisons
The civil justice needs of women in Lilongwe


Listen to our podcast series on Soundcloud


  • P Mota, GBV Response Booklet, (2021).
  • CM Mandala, Research on IPCC (2022) under “Know your rights and Claim your rights: legal Empowerment for enhanced citizen engagement with IPCC, MHRC,
  • ACB and Office of the Ombudsman that is funded by the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA)
  • GJU, Assessment of Court Users’ Satisfaction across the Six Spotlight Districts in Malawi (2021)
  • S Chisala-Tempelhoff and CM Mandala, The Malawi Penal Code (1929): Offences Against Morality, Analysing Leading Works in Criminal Law, (C Kennedy and L Farmer, eds), Routledge: United Kingdom (2023)
  • S Chisala-Tempelhoff and CM Mandala, Impact of the Maputo Protocol in Malawi, Pretoria University Law Press, (upcoming).
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