Our Programmes

We enhance access to justice for women and girls in marginalised communities. We utilise a combination of strategies, including legal clinics, legal research, and capacity enhancement of GBV survivors as focal persons within their communities that direct victims and survivors to essential GBV referral services.

Legal Empowerment

At the Gender and Justice Unit, we believe in the power of legal empowerment to bring about positive change in individuals and communities. Our comprehensive range of activities ensures that every individual has the knowledge, tools, and support to engage effectively with the legal system, promote gender equality, and uphold social justice. Through these initiatives, we strive to enhance accountability, transparency, and responsiveness within the legal framework.


gender and justice unit strategic partnerships

Strategic Partnerships

We are committed to igniting impactful change in the realm of public law. We recognise that addressing complex issues, particularly those that impact the marginalised and the environment, requires a united effort and strategic partnerships. Through our collaborations with diverse organisations and individuals, we strive to advocate for systematic change that brings justice, equity, and sustainability.

Research, Writing & Advocacy

GJU aims to be a hub of legal research, writing, and advocacy that brings a unique South Global perspective to the forefront. We dive deep into the complexities of the law and its interactions with the everyday experiences of marginalised and vulnerable populations, focusing on women and those marginalised due to their gender and sexual orientation. The pursuit of justice, equity, and inclusivity drives our work.

Technical Assistance

We are dedicated to working alongside partners and communities to bring about positive change through expert guidance and support. Our focus on collaborative efforts drives us to create effective and sustainable solutions.

Our Impact

Legal clinics held
women/girls provided with legal and trauma counselling
Active GBV focal persons trained through training of trainers
Survivors provided with safehouse services
Judgements Uploaded onto the Malawi LII Website
Total hits of visitors accessing the Malawi LII website
Traditional leaders and service providers trained on GBV-related laws
Active victim support units in target areas
Strategic Litigation cases undertaken
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