SEGAL CONNECT Summit 2024: A Journey of Growth, Connection, and Impact

A personal reflection by Emma Kalea Chigwenembe, the Deputy Director of GJU


Wow! We recently had an incredible experience at the SEGAL CONNECT Summit in Lilongwe! 🌟 As I sit here, still buzzing with energy and ideas, I can’t help but feel immensely grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this transformative event. Let me take you on a whirlwind tour of our three days of inspiration, learning, and connection.

A Gathering of Changemakers

Picture this: Funders and implementing partners from Zimbabwe, Burundi, Malawi, Tanzania, and Kenya, all gathered in one place, united by a common goal – to create lasting positive change in our communities. The air was electric with possibility!

From July 16-18, 2024, Lilongwe became the epicenter of social innovation in Southern Africa. The Segal Foundation Family truly outdid themselves in bringing together this diverse group of passionate individuals and organizations.

Day 1: Embarking on Our Growth Journey

Our journey began at the beautiful Ufulu Gardens. The opening session on “Luminary Growth Journeys” was nothing short of eye-opening. We delved into the various phases of the partner journey with SFF funding:

1. Discovery phase (1-3 years)
2. Acceleration phase (4-6 years)
3. Mature phase (7-8 years)
4. Luminary phase (9+ years)

As I listened to the incredible stories of organizations from Zimbabwe and Malawi who have been with SFF for over 9 years, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement. GJU is currently between the discovery and acceleration phases, and hearing about the potential that lies ahead was truly inspiring.

Key takeaways:
– Rejection is part of the journey – keep pushing forward!
– Building community trust is CRUCIAL for sustainability.
– Collaboration with government structures can accelerate growth.

Building Dream Teams and Communicating with Impact

The “Leadership Conversations” and “Nuts and Bolts” sessions were packed with practical wisdom. We explored strategies for building and maintaining high-performing teams, focusing on values, capacity, culture, and shared vision.

Communication emerged as a central theme. The importance of investing in both internal and external communication tools cannot be overstated. From developing a strong brand identity to crafting core messaging, these elements are vital for our organizations to thrive.

Day 2: Funder Insights and Sector-Specific Discussions

Day 2 kicked off with an enlightening “Funder Ask Me Anything” session. We had the privilege of hearing from representatives of the Ripple Foundation, Skoll Foundation, and Vibrant Villages Foundation. Each organization shared their unique approach to creating impact:

– Ripple Foundation: Champions of open-source healthcare solutions
– Vibrant Villages Foundation: Investing in community potential across various sectors
– Skoll Foundation: Tackling interconnected problems and advancing holistic solutions

The afternoon’s Sector Gathering on Health Systems Strengthening provided a deep dive into one of the most critical areas of development work.

Day 3: Climate Action and Networking

Our final day began with another round of “Funder Ask Me Anything,” followed by a Sector Gathering focused on Climate Change. The urgency of this global challenge was palpable in the room. As NGOs, we were called to integrate climate change into our core agendas and offer concrete adaptation measures.

A particularly interesting discussion revolved around carbon credits in Malawi. The lack of specific regulations and governing bodies in this area highlighted the need for swift action and policy development.

The summit concluded with a vibrant marketplace and art exhibition, providing the perfect platform for networking and celebrating the creativity within our community.

Looking Ahead: Our Path Forward

As I reflect on these incredible three days, I’m filled with optimism and determination. The SEGAL CONNECT Summit has not only broadened our horizons but also deepened our commitment to creating lasting change.

For GJU, this experience has reinforced the importance of:
1. Continual growth and adaptability
2. Strong team building and effective communication
3. Embracing collaboration and partnerships
4. Integrating climate action into our work

I’m excited to bring these insights back to our team and implement strategies that will propel us forward on our journey with the Segal Foundation Family.

To all the amazing individuals and organizations we connected with at the summit – thank you for your inspiration and shared commitment to making a difference. Together, we are stronger, and the future looks brighter than ever!

Here’s to the next chapter of our growth and impact! 🌱🌍💪

#SEGALCONNECTSummit #SocialImpact #AfricanDevelopment #ClimateAction #SFFRockstars

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